Thursday, April 1, 2010

Take me

Take me
Take all of me
the top and the bottom
the front and the back
and don't forget the deep, deep inside
You touched a spot and set off a spark
I'm smoldering now
Help me build the fire
Feel the heat of our burning desire
our bodily juices can put out the flame
-for a moment
Relax and Replenish
Repeat and Release
a rollercoaster of HIGHS and lows
-loops and sharp turns
Ride me and take me over the top
Take me and mold me to you
shape me to fit around you
take you in and squeeze you tight
Take me, as I give to you
My all, My Love, My Soul
Open me to your ways
Show me how to feel you, fill yo, empty and refill you
Take me with your to the Highest Highs
and know I'll be there for the lowest lows.
I'm willing and able
to give me to you
Take what I give
and treat it well
I'm strong yet fragile
Hard, yet soft
Take me....all
©Lainey Starr 2010

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