I walk around in the bright sunlight
Just looking for a ray to warm me
I know the warmth will be good to me
This time..Right?
Ray warms my heart and knocks off the chlls
And then I stumble
There was crack in life that tripped me up. Again.
How was that not seen when that way I just came
The Ray was right beside me shining brightly
Maybe too brightly for me to see
The armor, Rusted The smile, False
The strength, Assisted by the weight of others past
I trod on through a path watered by the tears of love gone
I stumble
I pull away from the thorns of pain as I walk the path
I stumble
I look up through the trees looking for my ray
The path narrow but a prize to great to give up on
I gather the strength deep inside me to stand and deeply breathe.
One step, two steps. I feel a pull at my back
A voice on my neck beckons me back but I keep my eyes forward
I can not, will not, succumb to the tempting temptor that tempts me
I can not will not lean back and feel the warmth
A fooling warmth that hides another face cold as ice.
I stumble
Its customary to accept the temporary and not be wary
As we should…We all stumble
We can be fooled by the heat that gets us hot
And we fall into a hole that takes a while to get out of
But we must remember that when we fall
We can get back up
When we stumble reach up and gather more strength from the hills
We fail to understand that a helping hand can help us stand ..tall
Taller than we ever have and believe me when I say
You may see 5 foot 1 of honey deliciousness standing before you
But …. I can find a love inside of me that makes me feel 10 feet tall..
Of honey deliciousness, I mean I can’t lose that just cuz I add 5 ft right
I can find a love in me that will make me taller than any mountaintop
I stumble
I am warmed by rays, pure and bright
I stand and walk again…And if I stumble.. I’ll make sure I get back up
©Lainey Starr 2010